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2024-04-07 03:00热度:1878

The United States said on Wednesday it would withhold deliveries of tanks, fighter aircraft, helicopters and missiles as well as $260 million in cash assistance from Egypt"s military-backed government pending progress on democracy and human rights.

More than half of British airline pilots say they have fallen asleep in the cockpit, a survey said, ahead of an EU vote on flying hours which a pilots" association said could compromise flight safety.
According to the British Airline Pilots" Association (BALPA), 56 percent of 500 commercial pilots admitted to being asleep while on the flight deck and, of those, nearly one in three said they had woken up to find their co-pilot also asleep.
据国外媒体报道,英国民航驾驶员协会 (BALPA)最近的一次调查显示,500名商业飞机驾驶员中有56%承认曾在开飞机时打盹,其中三分之一的人称,他们醒来时发现副驾驶也在打盹。
