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2023-12-03 04:50热度:6974

1. Chaos at an Ohio high school. A gunman opened fire in the Cleveland school. At least five people including three teenagers were taken to the hospital. Police say the gunman is dead and appears to have shot himself.

2. Freight train cars carrying toxic chemicals derailed this afternoon, setting off a huge fire. It happened as the train passed through Painesville, Ohio. Authorities have evacuated the surrounding area. No one was injured.

3. Autoworkers walked off the job at Chrysler plants. Talks broke off between the carmaker and the union. Health care is one of the main sticking points. It"s the first United Auto Workers" strike against the company in a decade.

4. The next time your teen gets behind the wheel of a car, parents might be able to see exactly what they do. Several auto insurers have started offering in-car cameras or global positioning equipment to parents to monitor teen driving habits. It"s an effort to cut down on teen driver crashes.

