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2023-07-23 14:12热度:5859

以下是一则新闻,关于就业的,看看适不适合你: Well-educated workers wanted粤建议农民提高工学历 Gangdong government counselor Zeng Tiangui Monday proposed raising the education level of migrant workers in the Pearl River Delta area.He said that the minimum should be high school.Zeng also suggested to priortize the employment of those Guangdong origins and to lower the local unemployment rate. 13日,广东省政府参事曾添贵建议,提高珠江三角洲外来农民工的准入门槛,凡进入珠江三角洲就业的外省农民工必须具有高中或中专以上的学历。曾添贵同时提出要照顾广东籍失业人员,应确保粤籍城乡居民充分就业。
