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2024-05-31 17:57热度:5296

LiuShanLing: just saying that JinZhengEn is get the support of the military, we"ve just also see it, the picture of the north Korean state television broadcast constant has been broadcast about Kim jong il the news of the death, do you think that the north Korean government in this moment announced Kim jong il died, does that mean JinZhengEn already have the power?

ZhengHao: should say so, is this not only is Kim jong il, he died JinZhengEn or Kim jong il family things, it is related to north Korea or are the north Korea national such a thing, so the death of Kim jong il, it should be published without what and JinZhengEn too big effect.

JinZhengEn position just now, I have already said, in September in north Korea"s labor party representatives meeting, actually has ensured his formal leadership positions, and such a position is also obtained from Russia and China"s a highly recognition and support, in this case, JinZhengEn his position, the future of his leadership of this status consolidated, with north Korea would actually change the situation of internal and increasingly be consolidated, and not to say a announced he will get after consolidated, but at least from a military perspective, has said JinZhengEn support his power of the handover.

So in the short term we very ugly out internal JinZhengEn north Korea will be the position of suffer from the military, or from the part of the domestic it factors, especially north Korea in the past for more than half a century of time inside, it has always been pursuing policies first army, and first army policy of the most important point, one of the most important content that is the kind of leadership military soldiers there is no doubt, not be moved, so in this case, JinZhengEn him as long as it is to get the firm support from the military, estimates that his position is? Won"t get any threat.