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2024-06-01 06:41热度:6012

34,684 down to 50 for "best job in world"“世界最好工作”公布50人初选名单A shortlist of 50 candidates from 22 countries has been selected for the best job in the world - being well paid to spend six months on a tropical Australian island, organizers said yesterday.Ranging from dancers to scientists, chefs and students, the candidates are from countries including the United States, Britain, Russia, India, China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and Kenya.They were selected from a total of 34,684 applicants from some 200 countries hoping to become caretaker of Hamilton Island on the Great Barrier Reef in a tourism promotion run by the Queensland state government.The job pays 150,000 Australian dollars ($100,000) for six months and includes airfares from the successful candidate"s home country to the island. In return, the winner will be expected to have as much fun as possible - soaking up the sun, swimming, snorkeling, sailing - and report to a global audience via weekly blogs, photo diaries and video updates.Yesterday, a team of Tourism Queensland along with a professional recruitment company made the very tough decisions necessary to cut the shortlist to the Top 50, said state Tourism Minister Desley Boyle.The Top 50 includes three Chinese. (澳洲海岛管理员)招聘主办方昨日宣布,“世界最好的工作”50人初选名单出炉,来自22个国家的50名候选人入围——最终胜出者将享受高薪待遇,在澳大利亚的一个热带岛屿工作6个月。入围的候选人来自美国、英国、俄罗斯、印度、中国、日本、韩国、印尼、新加坡、马来西亚和肯尼亚等国,其中包括舞蹈演员、科学家、厨师和学生等。这些候选人从200个国家的34684名应聘者中选出。澳洲大堡礁汉密尔顿岛护岛人招聘活动是昆士兰州政府旅游宣传项目的一部分。这份为期半年的工作总报酬达15万澳元(合10万美元),其中包括从护岛人所在国飞往该岛的机票费用。而被录用者需要做的只是尽情享受岛屿乐趣,如沐日光浴、游泳、潜水、划船,并每周更新博客,上传图片和视频,向全世界展示这里的无限风光。昆士兰旅游局局长德西里•波义尔说:“昨天,旅游局工作小组和一家专业招聘公司共同做出了十分艰难的选择,从众多应聘者中选出了50名候选人。”入围的50人中有三名中国人。
